Second stage of labour

The second stage of labour is when your baby makes their entrance into the world. You’ll be ‘fully dilated”, in other words, your cervix would have completely opened and you will be ready to push / birth your baby.

Your midwife will help you find the most comfortable position to birth – this could be sitting, kneeling, or leaning over a birthing ball. This stage can last anywhere between a few minutes to a couple of hours but if you’ve had a baby before it is likely to take less time. With each contraction you will feel the baby’s head lower down in your pelvis and likely feel the urge to bear down or push. Each time you have a contraction and push, your baby will move slightly further down your pelvis. Towards the end, as your baby’s head emerges your midwife will encourage you to pant rather than push and she may apply a warm compress to your perineum. Once your baby’s head is born, the rest of the body will follow with the next contraction.